Archives: Publications

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Protection of Official Data – submission to the Law Commission

A response to the Law Commission's consultation on how to protect Official Data as it reviews statutes including the Official Secrets

Submission to the United Nations Open-ended Inter-Governmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights

The potential principles, scope and elements of an internationally binding instrument to protect human

The Trade Union Bill: TUC Submission to ILO Committee of Experts

Professor Keith Ewing provides a detailed analysis of the Trade Union Bill's contravention of international standards on workers'

Picketing and the Trade Union Bill: Written Evidence

The legal evidence to demonsttate the new picketing rules in the Trade Union Bill is a violation of the right to freedom of

Trade Union Bill: Written Evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights

Detailed evidence as to how the Trade Union Bill breaches international

An IER submission to the BIS Inquiry into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP and Labour Rights

IER experts warn of the potential for NHS selloffs and the dilution of workers' rights in the TTIP Free Trade

An IER response to Richard Baker MSP’s Consultation Paper on Culpable Homicide (Scotland) Bill

Recommendations on a new Bill to litigate against employers that cause death through gross

Response to the Law Society consultation: How should employment tribunals operate in the future?

Evidence of the harm done by the implementation of tribunal fees and recommendations for a fairer

Response to Inquiry into Deaths (Scotland) Bill Consultation

David Whyte responds to a public consultation broadly in favour of the proposals set out in the Draft Inquiry into Deaths (Scotland)

The Whistleblowing Framework: Call for Evidence

Catherine Hobby proposes the government take several measures to improve the legal protection of

Surrogacy and maternity rights: making all mothers equal

A landmark case to afford intended mothers in surrogacy arrangements the same maternity rights as other
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