Author: Ben Sellers
‘Making Work Pay’ – workers’ rights in Labour’s 2024 Manifesto
Keir Starmer launched the party's manifesto, 'Change' at an event in Manchester on Thursday.
AI for union organising: Organise Now! launch first labour movement chat bot
The bot is a digital version of the BFAWU general secretary, Sarah Woolley, and is trained to provide users with information to help organise
HeartUnions week
A chance to tell the story about why unions are vital for everyone at work, and encourage them to join a union.
Asda private equity owners grilled by MPs over lack of transparency and workers’ rights
TDR Capital were grilled by MPs yesterday over the supermarket’s debt pile, a lack of transparency and workers’ rights
Removing asbestos from schools and hospitals would benefit UK economy by almost £12 billion over 50 years, says new report
Latest research also shows that asbestos-related diseases in former school and hospital workers cost the UK economy £1.3 billion per year
Future of Work and Devolution in Wales Report: Workers need change
An independent report on the Future of Work and Devolution in Wales by Professor Jean Jenkins of Cardiff Business School has been published
Fiona Mercer: The care worker at the heart of UNISON’s Supreme Court challenge
Mercer is at the heart of a case being heard in the Supreme Court this week, which could define the future of workers’ rights to strike
Trade union history: Unions to march with sacked GCHQ workers in January, here’s why
via Hannah Davenport, Left Foot Forward
Soaring CEO pay shows “obscene levels of pay inequality” say TUC
The High Pay Centre release details of 'High Pay Hour 2024'
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