06 March 2013 By Catherine Hobby, Senior Lecturer, School of Law & Social Sciences, University of East London The deaths and neglect at Mid-Staffordshire hospitals have revealed the very real…
Search Results for: node/blacklist
Easy guides to the law
Digestible guides to current…
North West: Employment Law Update 2011
The Institute’s annual North West Employment Law Update Conference took place at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on Tuesday 22nd November…
Trade union representatives and facility time in the Civil Service
01 August 2012 By Roger Jeary In the last few days the Guardian and the Observer has published three reports that have a clear link to trade union organisation and…
Financial penalties, deposit orders and whistleblowing debated in the Lords
12 December 2012 On Monday (10 December 2012), the Lords discussed further employment tribunal changes proposed as part of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (ERR) Bill, including financial penalties for…
Lords Hendy & Hain push for trade union protections In CHIS SpyCops Bill
The peers have tabled an amendment that removes a proposal to allow State agents to break the law in pursuit of “economic…
Justice for the Shrewsbury 24
The Court of Appeal has agreed that the convictions of 24 trade unionists were a miscarriage of…
The Manifesto for Labour Law won widespread support across the labour movement and political…
Teachers and headteachers consider ‘unprecedented’ joint strike over schools cuts
This week, three education unions will consult their members over taking industrial action in response to last week’s…
A Manifesto for Labour Law: what would it look like in Scotland?
Professor Gregor Gall describes the Institute of Employment Rights’ Manifesto for Labour Law and discusses its implementation in Scotland….
Why trade union rights are an important factor in the General Election
08 June 2017 As the electorate goes to the polls today, our Chair John Hendy QC and President Professor Keith Ewing, explain why trade union rights are an important factor…
Corbyn team reiterates support for IER Manifesto
13 September 2016 At a TUC Congress fringe event held by the Institute of Employment Rights (IER) on Sunday, two leading members of Jeremy Corbyn’s team reiterated their support for…