North West: Employment Law Update 2011

The Institute's annual North West Employment Law Update Conference took place at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on Tuesday 22nd November 2011.

7th September 2024 – 1:43 pm

The Institute’s annual North West Employment Law Update Conference took place at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool on Tuesday 22nd November 2011.

About the Conference

Organised in association with the TUC and Old Square Chambers, 60 delegates attended this fourth Employment Law Update in the North West. Unfortunately, a number of speakers were unable to attend resulting in late changes to the programme, and we were grateful to those who stepped-in short notice.

The day began with Lynn Collins UCU Regional Officer (FE) who looked at the impact of employment law changes on the education sector. Lynn was followed by Keith Patten from Thomspons Solicitors who spoke about de-regulation of health and Safety and the Loftstedt review. More information about the de-regulation of health and safety can be found in the Institute’s publication Regulatory Surrender.

Binder Bansel of Pattinson and Brewer Solicitors gave an overview of changes to employment law, including corporate responsibility, agency workers, proposed changes to employment tribunal litigation and gold plating of EU Directives.

Afer the break, Adrian Weir from Unite gave a frank analysis of the government agenda including undermining of workers rights and collective action. Sarah Veale of the TUC followed this with a speech packed full of facts and arguments to counter the Con Dem government’s line of attack. This included reference to the OECD recent assessment of the positive impact of employment regulations on economic growth and the Department for Busines Innovation and Skills (BIS) own
impact assessment

on resolving workplace disputes that struggled to demonstrate any causal link between unfair dismissal protection and job creation. Sarah’s recent article for Left Foot Forward details her arguments in full.

After lunch, Ellie Reeves from OH Parsons looked at Blacklisting, particularly in the construction industry, providing an opportunity to highlight another Institute publication Blacklisting in the Construction Indsutry. The Institute has a report of a meeting with EU commissioners in June 2011 on blacklisting

The day ended with Stuart Brittenden of Old Square Chambers who spoke about the Equality Act 2010, recent cases and precedents. This provided another opportunity to publicise a brand new publication by equality expert, Aileen McColgan, called Equality Act 2010.

Delegates were pleased to receive a free copy of Labour Law Review 2010, and had the opportunity to buy the latetst edition of Labour Law Review 2011 on the day.

Another new Institute publication Days Of Action by Keith Ewing and John Hendy received a positive review and personal recommendation, by one of the delegates. Copies are available to order online.

Presentations and Papers from the Speakers

Copies of speakers presenations and papers are attached below.