…Rights recommends a public inquiry is conducted into the blacklisting scandal, and sets out a Manifesto Against Blacklisting, proposing changes to the law, including criminal sanctions for employers operating blacklists….
Search Results for: node/blacklist
IER briefing on blacklisting
23 January 2013 The IER has sent a briefing to all Labour MPs ahead of today’s debate on blacklisting, which is tabled to commence at 14:30. Our briefing is published…
Tories ‘sympathise’ with victims of blacklisting, but reluctant to act
Yesterday afternoon (23 January 2013), a debate was held in the House of Commons on blacklisting….
Blacklisted workers need more than a public inquiry – they need a change in the law
…by the blacklisting scandal. For years, we knew that police officers met with The Consulting Association (TCA) – a blacklist operation run by 44 major construction firms – and infiltrated…
Dave Smith, Blacklisting Support Group – Opening Statement (17/11/20)
Dave Smith accused undercover police of acting as agents provocateurs, of being in bed with blacklisters, and of contributing to worker deaths….
Strengthening the Blacklisting Regulations: An Institute of Employment Rights Briefing
23 January 2013 The following briefing was produced for Labour MPs prior to the debate in Parliament on blacklisting on the afternoon of 23 January 2013 by Carolyn Jones It…
Blacklisting not just a UK problem
Think tank: Blacklisted workers need a change in the law as well as a public inquiry
23 March 2018 After the Metropolitan Police today admitted a role in the conspiracy to blacklist thousands of workers in the construction industry, leading labour law think tank the Institute…
Government’s response to blacklisting consultation is disgraceful
…the spirits of many people when it appeared willing to do the decent thing, announcing that it would introduce laws to put an end to the blacklisting of trade unionists….
Blacklisted workers move closer to securing damages
15 October 2015 The lawyers for eight major building firms complicit in the blacklisting scandal have release an “unprecedented apology” for the “anxiety and stress” they caused the blacklisted workers….
Extraordinary revelations as blacklist compiler Ian Kerr gives evidence
Yesterday, Chief Executive Officer of known blacklisting organisation the Consulting Association Ian Kerr gave oral evidence to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee as part of its inquiry into the practice….
IER Parliamentary Launch – Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the UK Construction Industry
…the draft regulations designed to outlaw blacklisting. The MPs agreed to take this action at the parliamentary launch on 20th October 2009 of Ruined Lives: Blacklisting in the UK Construction…