Social media and the law (hard copy, trade union)

The authors examine the interplay between social media and workplace rights.

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About the book

It is impossible to overstate the impact that new forms of social media
have had on the way that we communicate. Whether it is e-mail, the Web, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube, questions are increasingly being asked about how social media is affecting the dissemination of news – or fake news – across the world.

But nowhere has the effect of social media had the same direct impact on  individuals as we have seen in the workplace. What used to be a “word  after work in the pub” has become a remark now set in stone and capable of  being copied, pasted and transmitted to hundreds or thousands of others.

In this publication the authors examine the interplay between social  media and workplace rights including the right not to be unfairly  dismissed and rights in relation to discrimination and harassment.

They conclude by using their examination of case law to offer handy tips for those facing charges relating to posting inappropriate materials on social media.



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