Labour’s Labour Law: Labour Law Reform in New Zealand Under a Labour Government
The author highlights the different approaches on collective issues compared with the UK, with particular emphasis on recognition and representation.
£2.00 – £4.00
About the book
In both Britain and New Zealand Conservative governments pursued a neo-liberal economic and political agenda that included as a policy objective the radical restructuring of their systems of labour law. The result has been the weakening of trade unions through loss of membership and increased restrictions on their ability to operate effectively.
Then in 1997 in Britain and 1999 in New Zealand, Labour governments came to power promising to reform labour law and to give greater protection to freedom of association and collective bargaining. In the UK the Employment Relations Act, 1999 was introduced and an Act of the same name was introduced in New Zealand in 2000.
But how do the respective pieces of legislation compare in content? Can UK trade unions learn from the New Zealand experience? In this publication the author highlights the different approaches adopted on collective issues, with particular emphasis on recognition and representation rights.
A5; 40pp; ISBN 1 873271 89 1;
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