Labour Law Highlights 2021 (Download)

As ever, our Labour Law Highlights publication takes a stroll through the main judicial and statutory highlights of the previous year.

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About the book

As ever, our Labour Law Highlights publication takes a stroll through the main judicial and statutory highlights of the previous year. In this case, the year under review will be for ever remembered as the Covid year. The public health crisis and the ensuing lockdowns go someway to explaining the relative brevity of this year’s report: politicians were focused on the pandemic and keeping the economy turning, while the number of court cases was substantially reduced as courts – like many workplaces – adjusted to working on-line. Covid-19 also helped expose some of the fundamental weaknesses in the UK’s employment law and our authors turn their legal eyes to a range of these issues including industrial action, redundancy, TUPE, whistleblowing and equalities. Of particular interest this year is the question of the employment status of workers in the gig economy. Issues reflected upon include the exclusion of gig workers from the job retention scheme (furlough), whether gig workers should be covered by health and safety protections and, in a case that went all the way up to the Supreme Court, how the definition of ‘worker’ should be determined, the outcome of which decides who is entitled to the minimum wage, paid holidays and rest breaks.


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