Labour Law Highlights 2022

The IER’s regular team of barristers guides readers through key court decisions in the last year that may prove instructive

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In Labour Law Highlights 2022, the Old Square Chamber team once again focus their attention on the major judicial and statutory cases over the last year. In what was expected to be the year we said farewell to Covid, the consequences of the global pandemic have lingered on. Furlough and ‘health and safety’ dismissal cases work their way through the Employment Appeals Tribunal system, while the court system adjusts to “the new normal” of hybrid hearings and video evidence.

Over the past year, there have been some really significant cases on the right to freedom of association (in particular the Kostal judgement) and the right to holiday pay, with another round of the Gary Smith vs Pimlico Plummers making the news yet again. The authors also highlight a number of discrimination cases, including another very high‐profile case, in Forstater. Throughout the last year, there have been key cases on industrial action, redundancy, unfair dismissal and of course, the issues around the gig economy and worker status have been reflected in a series of important judgements. The authors summarise these key developments with precision and expertise. For anyone looking to navigate the major cases in employment law, Labour Law Highlights is once again an indispensable guide.

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