WATCH: Equality – it’s a class issue
20th May 2020 – 7:00 pm - 8:00 pmProfessor Lydia Hayes, Dr Faiza Shaheen and Roger McKenzie discuss issues of equality during a time of pandemic.
WATCH: Lord John Hendy QC: Govt has not told employers what their legal duties are during Covid-19
18th May 2020 – 6:00 pm - 7:30 pmIER Chair Lord John Hendy QC details the weaknesses of the government's approach to loosening the Covid-19 lockdown.
WATCH: Health and safety at work – stay safe!
6th May 2020 – 7:00 pm - 8:00 pmAcademics and campaigners updated delegates on health and safety at work in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Employment Law Update 2019 – London
4th December 2019A report on our recent conference covering changes to employment rights in 2019.
Employment Law Update 2019 – Liverpool
21st November 2019A report on our recent conference covering changes to employment rights in 2019.
Equality and Discrimination 2019 – London
13th November 2019A report on our recent conference covering equality law and protecting workers’ rights.
Equality and Discrimination 2019 – Liverpool
17th October 2019A report on our recent conference covering equality law and protecting workers’ rights.
Labour Law and the Fair Work Agenda
16th July 2019IER and the Wales TUC organised a joint public meeting in Cardiff to discuss the Wales Fair Work Agenda and the Institute's Manifesto for Labour Law.
An evening with William B Gould
27th June 2019How does the UK situation compare to workers’ rights in the US and what can we learn from recent developments in America?
Case law development: labour law review – London
24th April 2019A report on an event aimed at exploring the relationship between labour law and the workplace.
Case law development: labour law review – Liverpool
21st March 2019A report on an event aimed at exploring the relationship between labour law and the workplace.
Employment Law Update 2018: Liverpool
15th November 2018A report on our conference covering changes to employment rights in 2018.