Undermining Construction: The Corrosive Effects of False Self-Employment

According to the evidence in this report, between 300,000 and 400,000 building workers are falsely registered as self-employed.

Mark Harvey | Nov 2001
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About the book

According to the evidence in this report, between 300,000 and 400,000 building workers are falsely registered as self-employed due to the complicated and inadequate system of tax and employment regulation currently operating in the industry.

The author has estimated that such mass false self-employment is costing the exchequer up to £2 billion per annum and is leading the industry down a low cost, low skill and low productivity route. It is argued that such a route is bad for workers, bad for business and bad for the economy and should not be allowed to continue.

The report concludes by presenting two proposals for reform, which aim to integrate, simplify and clarify the relationship between tax regulation and laws on employment status.

A4; 56pp; ISBN 1 873271 91 3; November 2001


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