Labour migration in hard times: Reforming labour market regulation? (Download, trade union)
A collection of papers by the UK’s leading experts on labour migration on the exploitation of migrant workers and the need for labour law reform.
About the book
Skilled migration is likely to remain attractive both to employers and to a state interested in limiting education and training expenditure. Lower-skilled migration is likely to continue while the UK remains a member of the European Union and while employers are able to exploit migrant workers who they see as high on effort, usually unorganised and relatively quiescent. But public opinion appears sceptical as to the desirability of recent migration patterns and the effectiveness of immigration policy. The result is something of a policy impasse, with policy-makers struggling to find solutions which they see as credible in both economic and political terms.
Ed Miliband has recently argued that any policy on labour migration ought to include provision for labour standards. This book takes up that argument. Calling for a rights-oriented model aimed at ensuring that the legitimate interests of all workers to employment opportunities, to fair wages, and to decent treatment at work are protected, this book offers a welcome route out of the current policy impasse.
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