IER guide to TUA
01 March 2017 The main provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016 came into effect today, and the IER has created this guide to explain which rules have come into effect and what their expected impact will be on the labour movement as well as for workers.
01 March 2017
The main provisions of the Trade Union Act 2016 came into effect today, and the IER has created this guide to explain which rules have come into effect and what their expected impact will be on the labour movement as well as for workers.
We also published this article (originally in the Morning Star) today, explaining how the Trade Union Act 2016 reveals the Tory party’s true colors, conflicting as it does with recent protestations from politicians that they are on the side of workers.
A key proposal in our our Manifesto for Labour Law – 25 recommendations for reform, the principles of which have already been adopted by the Labour Party – is that the Trade Union Act 2016 should be repealed in its entirety.
In order to resist increasing exploitation in the workplace and a trend of flattening wages, we propose that workers’ voices must be made stronger.