Tired? Getting on Top of Long Hours: EVENT POSTPONED

Due to circumstances beyond our control, this event has had to be postponed. Thursday 5th June 2008 1.30pm to 4.15pm at the UCU Conference Centre, Britannia Street, London WC1 organised by The Institute of Employment Rights

5th June 2008 – 1:30 pm - 4:15 pm

Due to circumstances beyond our control, this event has had to be postponed.

Thursday 5th June 2008
1.30pm to 4.15pm
at the UCU Conference Centre, Britannia Street,
London WC1

organised by
The Institute of Employment Rights

The European Working Time Directive was implemented in the UK through the Working Time Regulations of 1998 and the Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations of 2005. Despite that, the Labour Force Survey of December 2007- February 2008 revealed that while the average weekly hours are down slightly from 2007, 11 per cent of UK employees now work over 48 hours a week – an increase over the last decade – and longer hours than any other EU country. In the more recently regulated transport sector, Labour Force statistics suggest the impact of the working time directive has had a limited impact in the UK.

Long hours are bad for workers and bad for business. They also have a negative impact on relationships, family life and community wellbeing. Long term physical and mental illness and stress are just some of the symptoms of our long-hours culture. Evidence from the International Labour Organisation and the Health and Safety Executive indicates that those who regularly work more than 48 hours per week are likely to suffer an increased risk of heart disease, stress related illness, mental illness, diabetes and bowel problems.

Yet the problems of heavy workloads and long hours remain. The TUC recently reported that nearly five million people in the UK regularly do unpaid overtime, giving their employers an average £4,955 of free work a year. In response, the TUC initiated a Work Your Proper Hours Day campaign to highlight the day when the average person doing unpaid overtime finishes the unpaid days they do and starts earning. In 2008 that date was 22 February!

So what’s the problem and how do we tackle it? With inadequate enforcement mechanisms and too many opt-outs distorting the coverage, it is clear that the Regulations need to be strengthened. This can be done by challenging bad employment practices in the courts (like rolling holiday pay in with the weekly wage) or by winning parliamentary changes to the law (like ensuring bank holidays are not incorporated into statutory holiday leave). To do both you need information on the strengths and weaknesses of the Regulations

It is in this context that the seminar will examine:
■ the original purpose of the Directive and the rights it provides
■ the impact UK Working Time Regulations have had on Britain’s long-hours culture
■ what improvements came be made to the current Regulations.

1.30 registration

1.50 welcome from Chair

2.00 An Overview of the Regulations
Thompsons Solicitors

2.30 Teachers and the UK long-hours culture
Amanda Brown NUT

3.00 tea and coffee

3.15 Time out for holidays
Steve Cottingham OH Parsons Solicitors

3.45 discussion

4.15 close

Amanda Brown is Assistant Secretary (Legal and Professional Services) at the NUT
Steve Cottingham is a solicitor with O H Parsons Solicitors
Carolyn Jones has been the Director of the Institute of Employment Rights since it was established in 1989

Who should attend
The seminar will be of great interest to trade unionists, employment lawyers, personnel specialists, academics and students and those concerned with the development of public policy.

How to book
To reserve your place, complete the form below and send your cheque, made payable to IER, to Institute of Employment Rights, The People’s Centre, 50-54 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5SD.
Tel 0151 702 6925; fax 0151 702 6935; office@ier.org.uk

CPD, NPP and EPP accreditation
This seminar counts for hours under the Law Society’s Continuing Development Scheme and the General Council of the Bar’s New Practitioners’ Programme and the Established Practitioners’ Programme.

Additional Information
Details of nearby hotels are available from the office. Name changes are accepted up until the time of the event. Delegates who advise IER of their cancellation more than 15 working days in advance will receive a credit note with 10% deduction for administration.

How to get there
Nearest stations are: Kings Cross and St Pancras (tube and British Rail)

IER subscribers and members £45.00
Trade unions £60.00
Commercial £120.00

Booking form
Please reserve places at the Tired? Getting on top of Long Hours seminar at £
Please invoice me/I enclose a cheque for £
Return completed form to IER, The People’s Centre, 50- 54 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5SD

Book a place