Seminar Papers: NW Equalities – A Changing Workplace?

Tuesday 10 May 2011 Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool This North West Equality event considered a number of aspects of equality including equal pay and the gender pay gap, race equality, migrant rights and experiences of equality at work from the shop floor.

8th September 2024 – 8:54 am

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

This North West Equality event considered a number of aspects of equality including equal pay and the gender pay gap, race equality, migrant rights and experiences of equality at work from the shop floor.

The day opened with an overview by Alan Christie of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and was followed by a summary of recent case law and precedents delivered by Jo Seery of Thompsons Solicitors. Sally Brett from the TUC spoke about multiple discrimination and positive action and Dion Baugh from UNISON North West talked about the ways in which UNISON was trying to support members to look at equality issues.

Preethi Sunandram of the Fawcett Society provided some fascinating evidence arouond of the inequality in pay that still exists between men and women, and Don Flynn spoke about the often overlooked issue of Migrant Workers Rights. Helen Ozgood from UNITE spoke about her union’s work with members around equality issues, and the day ended with Tony Excel from UNITE speaking about the specific issue of Race Equality and how race discrimination is still rife in recruitment practice.

Read more information on the conference

Papers and presentations from the day can be found below: