Think tank for working people to launch in Liverpool and Leeds

29 May 2013 Class, the think tank for working people, is holding launches in Liverpool and Leeds this summer.

29 May 2013| News

29 May 2013

Class, the think tank for working people, is holding launches in Liverpool and Leeds this summer.

The organisation, the staff of which includes author of popular book ‘Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class’ Owen Jones, will be holding free events at the University of Liverpool and the offices of Unite in Leeds.

Among the esteemed speakers at the launches are Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office Jon Trickett, TUC Regional Secretary for the North West Lynn Collins, Professor Danny Dorling of the University of Sheffield and activists from Unite, General Secretary of CWU Billy Hayes, PCS North-West Regional Secretary Peter Middleman and activists from Unite.

With the Coalition Government and their programme of austerity and tax cuts for millionnaires, it is time that someone ensured that the political agenda was on the side of working people and that policy development branched outside of the Westminster bubble.

That’s why Class, a new, high-profile think-tank co-founded by the GMB, Unite the Union and the Institute of Employment Rights, and backed by a growing number of trade unions, is holding regional launches. The Liverpool event is also in collaboration with the North West TUC and will be part of their Austerity Uncovered tour.

Class aims to promote policies to influence decision-makers on a wide-range of areas, such as inequality, welfare, housing, the NHS and employment, as well as pushing an economic agenda to counter the Coalition Government’s programme of welfare cuts and its injustices.

Come along to the regional launches in Liverpool or Leeds to find out more about what we do and join in the discussion.

Leeds – Thursday June 13 2013


The Unite offices, 55 Call Lane

Leeds LS1 7BW

Register now

Liverpool – Wednesday June 26 2013


Hearnshaw Lecture Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool, Bedford Street South

Liverpool L69 7ZA

Register now