Protecting Worker Solidarity Action: A Critique of International Labour Law (Download)
This paper considers ILO standards on international worker solidarity action.
About the book
This paper considers ILO standards on international worker solidarity action. The central argument of the book is that in a globally-integrated capitalist economy, workers need strict legal protection if the right to take international solidarity action is to become a reality. The author discusses the most commonly used restrictions placed on such action before concluding that none are of sufficient importance to warrant the curtailment of this basic right.
According to the author, worker solidarity action is an essential tool for advancing the social, political, organisational and ideological objectives of the labour movement in the global economy. However, for this tool to be effective, legal restrictions need to be removed and unions need to develop their capacity to engage in solidarity action. The author then goes on to offer suggestions and policy proposals to achieve both these objectives.
A5; 68pp; ISBN 1 873271 95 6;
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