Migration and work in post-Brexit UK (Download)

The authors make the case for a regulatory regime that respects the humanity and contribution of all workers

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Migration has long been a political hot potato, and no more so than during the fractious debate over Britain’s exit from the EU. Since then, as Dr Manoj Dias-Abey and Dr Katie Bales point out in this closely argued paper, there have been signs that opinion is warming to the reality that migration is not just necessary but a positive benefit to Britain’s economy. Looking beyond the noise and analysing the post-Brexit migration system, the authors make the case for a regulatory regime that reflects that reality, respects the humanity and contribution of workers who come to our shores, as well as those already here, and that takes its place within a framework of labour law that delivers equal rights and prosperity for all workers. They conclude with a series of recommendations aimed at ending the immediate precarity faced by migrant workers and pointing the way to a just reform.


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