Seminar Papers: TUPE Update – Your Questions Answered
Tuesday 28 June 2011 / Tuesday 12 July 2011 NUT Hamilton House, London / Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool TUPE Update conferences were held in London and Liverpool in June and July, featuring a panel of expert speakers who provided both practical hints and tips as well as an overview of the TUPE Regulations and when and how they apply.
Tuesday 28 June 2011 / Tuesday 12 July 2011
NUT Hamilton House, London / Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool
TUPE Update conferences were held in London and Liverpool in June and July, featuring a panel of expert speakers who provided both practical hints and tips as well as an overview of the TUPE Regulations and when and how they apply.
Richard Arthur of Thompsons Solicitors gave an overview of TUPE and in particular the situations when TUPE applies (or doesn’t). Sampson Low from UNISON spoke about information, consultation and other collective rights. Nerys Owen from the Labour Research Department spoke about objections to transfer and unfair dismissal rights. Brian Healy from CWU gave some useful practical hints and tips to help people plot a negotiating course through the the TUPE transfer process. And Chris Haswell from PCS spoke about TUPE and pension rights.
Click on the links above or the list below to view the papers and presentations.
- Chris-Haswell-Paper.pdf - 39.05 KB