NW: Employment Law Update 2011

22nd November 2011 – 10:30 am

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A one day conference
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

Sponsored by Unite, UCU, URTU and Unison and supported by the Ken Gill Memorial Fund, Old Square Chambers and the TUC

About the Conference

This annual update on changes to Employment Law aims to ensure that trade union representatives are kept up to date and well informed about the latest developments in employment law, whether through changes to regulations or through case law precedents.

The platform of speakers will include some of the UK’s leading legal experts in individual employment rights and collective labour law.


£75 Subscribers and members
£90 trade unions
£220 Commercial


Adelphi Hotel
Ranelagh Place
L3 5UL

Additional Information

Click here for information on how to book, who should attend, how to get there and CPD, NPP and EPP Accreditation


Book and pay for your place online now


Binder Bansel, Pattinson and Brewer Solicitors
Employment law changes

Lynn Collins, UCU North West, Regional Officer
Sector Spotlight: Education and employment rights issues

Sarah Veale, TUC
Changes to Employment Law: A ‘Sackers’ Charter?

Lavinia O Connor, PCS, Industrial Officer
Access to the Law: changes and challenges

Keith Patten, Thompsons Solicitors
De-Regulating Health and Safety

Adrian Weir, Assistant Chief of Staff, UNITE the Union
Employment law Changes: A view from Unite

Steve Cottingham, O H Parsons and Partners, Solicitors
Update on Blacklisting

Nicola Newbegin, Old Square Chambers
Impacts on Equality

Click here to download the full programme