Tag: Manifesto reviews

REVIEW: Too much law and not fit for purpose!

20 October 2016 By Declan Owens, Socialist Lawyer A Manifesto for Labour Law: towards a comprehensive revision of workers’ rights, published by the Institute of Employment Rights, 2016 Workers who read the Institute of Employment Rights’ Manifesto will recognise its diagnosis of the problem of labour law in the UK and it is likely that they will agree the recommended solution: a comprehensive revision of workers’ rights. Workers’ rights in the UK are already subject to a framework of law that is the most restrictive in the western world, a grim reality proudly endorsed by Tony Blair on the eve of his election in 1997 and not effectively addressed by any UK government since. Nevertheless, the Manifesto recognises that the world of work has changed and the law must follow.

REVIEW: IER Manifesto could represent a “qualitative shift in politics”

14 October 2016 Writing for the Industrial Law Journal, Private Law Lecturer at Kings' College London Dr Ewan McGaughey, has praised the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law, saying it could represent a "qualitative shift in politics".

REVIEW: Starting from Scratch: A Manifesto for UK Labour Law

20 September 2016 By the International Centre for Trade Union Rights The International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR) has reviewed the Institute of Employment Rights' Manifesto for Labour Law in its journal.

REVIEW: The ‘Manifesto for Labour Law’: an idea whose time is coming

13 September 2016 By Trade Union Futures It must have seemed a lonely furrow at times. For years now, the Institute of Employment Rights has been the go-to source of expertise and thought on workers rights for the left in the trade union movement. But successive New Labour governments showed themselves to be profoundly uninterested in tackling the iniquities of Britain’s labour market, preferring to wish them away with utopian fantasies about the knowledge economy. The Coalition and its Tory successor of course have launched a further frontal attack on the few rights and protections left to organised labour. But such has been the electrifying power of the left revival around Jeremy Corbyn that suddenly, the issue of workers rights is back on the agenda. Even Corbyn’s ‘moderate’ opponent Owen Smith declares himself in favour of collective bargaining now and suddenly the IER finds itself in possession of the appropriate ideas for the moment.

REVIEW: Manifesto sets out stall on new workers’ rights

30 August 2016 By the Labour Research Department Britain’s largest unions are backing comprehensive policy proposals for a framework of collective bargaining, underpinned by strong trade union rights, drawn up by 15 of the UK’s leading labour lawyers. 

REVIEW: Laying down the law in the workplace

08 August 2016 Lydia Hayes, lecturer at Cardiff Law School, on the IER's Manifesto for Labour Law A TIMELY and compelling contribution to political debate that advocates real and lasting change in the British labour market and economy, this manifesto’s case for better wages, improved productivity, greater security and lesser inequality is underpinned by the promise of progressive legal change.