Challenging Race Discrimination at Work (Download, trade union)

The book is designed to help trade union representatives challenge race discrimination at work and includes an overview of the Race Relations

Challenging Race Discrimination at Work (Download)

The book is designed to help trade union representatives challenge race discrimination at work and includes an overview of the Race Relations

Challenging Disability Discrimination at Work (Download, trade union)

An analysis of case law to review the operation of the Disability Discrimination Act

Challenging Disability Discrimination at Work (Download)

An analysis of case law to review the operation of the Disability Discrimination Act

Age Discrimination at Work (Download, trade union)

An insight into the history and context of age discrimination protections in employment

Age Discrimination at Work (Download)

An insight into the history and context of age discrimination protections in employment

Religious Discrimination at Work (Download, trade union)

This booklet critically evaluates the scope of the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations

Religious Discrimination at Work (Download)

This booklet critically evaluates the scope of the Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations

Equal Pay, Privatisation and Procurement (Download, trade union)

This publication looks behind some of the leading equal pay cases and examines the causes of pay

Equal Pay, Privatisation and Procurement (Download)

This publication looks behind some of the leading equal pay cases and examines the causes of pay

Agency and Migrant Workers (Download, trade union)

Following a new EU Directive on the equal treatment of agency workers, Sonia McKay looks at its impact and on the issues with agency

Agency and Migrant Workers (Download)

Following a new EU Directive on the equal treatment of agency workers, Sonia McKay looks at its impact and on the issues with agency