Precarious workers ‘fight back’

Last week, hundreds of people marched through London to demand fair pay and working conditions under the banner 'Precarious Workers Fight Back'.

5 Nov 2018| News

Image: "Precarious Labour Strikes Back" by War on Want is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Tuesday’s (30 October) demonstration, organised by the Independent Workers of Great Britain (IWGB), brought together over 500 people in casualised work including Uber drivers, Deliveroo riders, fast food workers and outsourced cleaners.

It coincided with Uber’s Court of Appeal hearing, in which the company hoped to overturn a tribunal judgment that its drivers are legally ‘workers’ – and thus entitled to the minimum wage, holiday pay and rest breaks – rather than ‘independent contractors’.

“Precarious workers are getting hammered in this country,” General Secretary for the IWGB, Jason Moyer Lee, said.

“The protest is the articulation of the legitimate grievance of those who are being denied the basic rights and dignities at work that we should all be able to take for granted.”