Govt urged to pay social care workers winter bonus

There are concerns that without financial incentives, care workers will leave in their droves to take better-paying jobs.

19 Nov 2021| News

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) and NHS Providers have issued a joint plea to government to pay every social care worker a “retention bonus”.

This comes as concerns grow over a winter crisis in social care due to the increasing number of workers leaving the sector, especially for firms that are offering extra money in the lead up to the Christmas rush.

Chris Hopson, Chief Executive of NHS Providers, which represents hospitals, told the Guardian that “if we don’t stop the loss of social care staff, that will be a real issue and it needs to be looked at really quickly”.

His organisation wants social care workers to be given a one-off payment of £500, but ADASS is lobbying for £1,000.

Stephen Chandler, ADASS President, pointed out that care staff were the only key workers not to receive a bonus for working through the pandemic.

“Paying a £1,000 bonus to care workers over the winter would show that we prize their skills and dedication as a society,” he said.