Glasgow strikers could be “an inspiration” to women across Europe

19 October 2018 Trade unionists across Europe have been urged to send messages of support to the 8,000 female workers planning to strike in Glasgow early next week, as a victory for the Scottish women could be "an inspiration" to millions of others.

19 Oct 2018| News

19 October 2018

Trade unionists across Europe have been urged to send messages of support to the 8,000 female workers planning to strike in Glasgow early next week, as a victory for the Scottish women could be “an inspiration” to millions of others.

The European Public Service Union Grouping (EPSU) sent out a call for solidarity to affiliates across the continent this week.

In it, EPSU General Secretary, Jan Willem Goudriaan, said: “We are urging all EPSU affiliates to send messages of support to our affiliates UNISON and GMB in the UK as they prepare for strike action by 8,000 women who work for Glasgow City Council in Scotland.”

The workers – who are in low-paid roles in education, social care, cleaning and catering – are striking for compensation for past discrimination, a new job evaluation scheme to deliver pay equality and justice for all, and commitment from their employer to funding pay equality.

The Council has been criticised by the unions and their lawyers for a lack of progress in negotiations set up to discuss the women’s claim to ‘equal pay for work of equal value’.

An equal pay victory “would be an inspiration to the millions of other women in public services who are fighting for better pay and to see essential jobs in services like social care given the value that they deserve,” EPSU said.